Scott Grant
- Current: Senior Frontend Engineer at Stripe
- Past: Google, Electronic Arts, Khan Academy, Zapier, and more..
- Ph.D., Queen's University (Human-oriented application of machine learning models to software maintenance and development)
- Master's Degree, Queen's University (Transforming Standard Java Objects into Value Objects)
- Bachelor's Degree with First Class Honours, Queen's University
- party-party-party: Generate party emoji for your favourite Slack
- rl.js: JavaScript library to build browser-based roguelikes
- lightless: JavaScript/rl.js, code, roguebasin
- asylumRL: Python/PyGame/libtcod, code, roguebasin
- Twelve Sands (2008-2012): Solo developer for browser-based game (code, wiki)
- Odds and ends
- NaNoGenMo: Submissions for the National Novel Generation Month (2014, 2016)
- Encouraging user behaviour with achievements: Award-winning study showing the effect of achievements on user behaviour
- Learn Python, Break Python : Open-source introductory Python programming textbook
- bf_py: Brainf*ck with threads and assertions, model verification with Turing machines